Posted by Amanda Foran on May 20, 2012
I have the exciting privilege of finally talking publicly about a new product we’ve been busily building here in the Arsetta development lab. This new product, which we have officially dubbed ReadySetAuction Live™, is the result of a long process of research, development and listening to you, our customers, tell […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on April 13, 2012
As you cast your procurement net, it’s likely that you’ll receive donations that won’t stand on their own or fetch their full value at your auction. In these cases, consider combining them with other items into packages, or baskets. Below you’ll find a list of silent auction basket ideas that […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on March 4, 2012
Here is a list of tried and true items that perform well in an online auction. Tickets to sporting events, the theater, and symphony. The latest and most popular electronics, like an iPad, Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Specialty food items like a box of hand-dipped chocolates, home-baked cookies […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on November 14, 2011
Raffles present an additional opportunity for your organization to raise money during your silent and live event auction. There are many types of raffles, one of which is the 50-50 raffle. In a 50-50 raffle, the winner is awarded 50% of ‘the pot,’ that is the money that was raised […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on October 27, 2011
In the previous posts of this series, I’ve covered naming your silent auction sections, staggering their closing times, and choosing the right number of items for your benefit auction. In this installment, I’m moving from abstract organizational matters to something more tangible: silent auction bid sheets. We’re often asked “What […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on August 16, 2011
A benefit auction is one of the most valuable fundraising tools available, not just because it provides a way to raise a lot of money in a short period of time, but also because it is the ideal vehicle for making personal and lasting connections with your supporters. All too […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on August 1, 2011
As the ice cream truck trundled by my office window for the second time today blaring “The Entertainer” in hopes of attracting the young and young at heart, it struck me that the summer of 2011 is just about half over. Fall auction season is, once again, right around the […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on June 22, 2011
Because summer is a time when many people travel for vacation, it’s not always the best time to hold a silent or live auction fundraising event. For that reason, many of our clients use the summer months to begin preparing for their fall auctions. But have you considered conducting a […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on May 31, 2011
Your goal as an auction coordinator is to maximize your silent auction proceeds. In order to do this, you need to make it as easy as possible for each bidder to bid as high as she’s willing to go for each silent auction item. With this in mind, one of […]
Posted by Amanda Foran on May 19, 2011
At almost every fundraiser event auction, you’ll find two components: a silent auction and a live auction. Many events also include raffles, dinner, dancing, games, and more. In a series of blog entries over the next few months, I’ll be addressing various strategies for making the most money from your […]